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IT Business Solutions

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To maintain a competitive advantage in today’s technological era, it is more and more imperative for organizations to integrate their different management applications.  “The characteristics of today's competitive environment put a great deal of pressure upon organizations for greater levels of organizational integration” (Barki & Pinsonneault, 2002, p. 7).
IT governance

Why IT Governance?

 |  Super User
ICT Governance is a buzz word and sometimes used as a "stick" to penalise an organisation, or is just seen by Management as an extra ICT related cost for something that might not provide the benefits related to the cost of implementing it. It's not enough to just have technology. Organisations must also ensure that those technology deliver strategic value. To do this, there needs to be mechanisms in place to regulate, monitor and govern the vlaue creation of the...
IT governance

IT Governance in the public sector

 |  Super User
IT Governance is not a legal requirement as in, for example, the United States where it has been mandated through the Sorbens-Oxley legislation. That doesn't mean that it is entirely optiona. Due to the King III/IV report on Governance of organisations, it is highly recommended that not only IT Governance is implemented, but also Enterprise Governance. Because of the ever increasing cost of Information Technology and the high level of IT projects not achieving i...